
Monday Nov 15, 2021
50/20 Vision: The Wisdom of Warriors
Monday Nov 15, 2021
Monday Nov 15, 2021
We've all heard the adage “Hindsight is 20/20”. It's an expression that suggests it's easier to understand something after it has already happened, that we have a level of clarity when we look back at a situation event or decision.
Today's podcast is my 25th episode on my 50th birthday and it is about the wisdom and clarity of fifty. What my 50-year-old self wishes my 20-year-old self knew. I invited my two best friends, my most trusted warrior tribe to this group mentoring session. It’s a combined 150 years of experience in navigating the world’s biases and barriers as warrior women.
We talk about choosing what serves you and leaving the rest behind, embracing fear, holding on loosely, learning versus unlearning, having an “AND” mindset versus either or, and so much more. “Be humble enough to learn the rules, thoughtful enough to evaluate how the rules serve you, and brave enough to break the rules.”
Come celebrate my 50th with me today! Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, or beyond, you won’t be disappointed!
Website: https://advancingwomenpodcast.com/
Instagram: @advancingwomenpodcast
Facebook: @advancingwomenpodcast https://www.facebook.com/advancingwomenpodcast
Email: drdesimone@advancingwomenpodcast.com

Monday Nov 08, 2021
The Ambition Penalty
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
With special guest nationally recognized money expert, Stephanie O'Connell Rodriguez
Too often women's success is attributed to luck rather than hard work and ambition, and even worse, if women are acknowledged for their ambition, it can be seen as aggressive.
Ever feel like ambitious men are meant to be celebrated while ambitious women too often are criticized and experience backlash? Or that women are told to always negotiate and speak up more to close gender gaps, but when they do, they face consequences? You don’t want to miss this episode of the Advancing Women Podcast https://advancingwomenpodcast.com/
Learn more about Stephanie O’Connell here at
Learn more about the ambition Penalty at

Monday Nov 01, 2021
Global Equity for All Women
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Warrior Women…Together we rise! This means ALL WOMEN.
There are still many societal structures, norms, and even laws that inhibit women’s opportunities, advancement, and economic potential. We see it here in the United States, but it exists across the globe, and it is much worse in many parts of the world
The United Nations has called Gender Equity the “unfinished business of our time.” Women and girls represent half the worlds population, therefore also half it’s potential. When women do better, economies do better. This means all women.
It is on all of us fighting for gender equity to see it as a global imperative, not just here, but everywhere. We must heed the call to dismantle barriers for women and girls’ full participation in the socio-economic development of their countries. Eliminating financial bottlenecks allows women to participate in decision-making which can transform families and communities. “We know that when women are empowered, they immeasurably improve the lives of everyone around them – their families, their communities, and their countries” (Hillary Clinton).
To that end I am extremely excited to talk in this episode about a true win-win opportunity for us to help enable some of the world’s poorest people to work their own way out of poverty helping them start successful businesses to build independence and financial resilience.
Mother Theresa said, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” So, tune in to this episode to see how you can help “cast a stone across the water” to help empower the women of #Africa so they can improve the lives of everyone around them while benefiting from coaching that will create impact in your personal and professional advancement.
Find out more about how the Microloan Foundation has helped hundreds of thousands of women living in poverty across the globe https://www.microloanfoundation.org.uk/about-us/
Learn more about the Women Leaders Association (WLA) Coachathon 2021
On Wednesday November 17th hundreds of coaches around the world will be participating in the #wlacoachathon2021 in partnership with the MicroLoan Foundation offering 45-minute individual leadership coaching sessions in exchange for a minimum donation of $35 to the MicroLoan Foundation. 100% of each donation will support women in Africa by providing the skills and tools needed to start a small business, generate income, pay for healthcare, and/or send their children to school.
This is a great opportunity to invest in your own professional or personal development while contributing to an important cause.
Change your life and the life of a woman facing extreme poverty. Learn more here:
my link: https://lnkd.in/gYjfU9vp)
Today's Guest: Certified Executive Coach Denette Suddeth

Monday Oct 25, 2021
Does Gender Neutrality Mean Women & Girls Lose?
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
How does gender neutrality differ from gender tolerance, and what does that mean in a culture of androcentrism, where male is often seen as the default? Simone de Beauvoir, the writer, and philosopher said “humanity is male, and man defines women, not in herself, but as relative to him. She is not regarded as an autonomous being. He is the subject. He is the absolute, she is the other.”
Don’t think so? It is everywhere, even in your everyday shopping experiences. Ever notice when you’re shopping that there are “razors” (the default, found in the men’s aisle) then “women’s razors” (usually pink, found in the women’s aisle)? Or how the blue t-ball set in the toy section is the “t-ball set” while the purple t-ball set is titled the “girls t-ball set”? “He is the absolute, she is the other.”
Our history of androcentrism is well entrenched. If we say men, that also means women, but if we say women, we do not mean men. When we hear all men are created equal, that means people (both men AND women). But if we hear all women are created equal, that means women only. Only one is seen as the default. The other is not. Men means everyone. People. Women…means women.
What happens if we incorrectly believe that gender neutrality is the same as gender equality? In this episode we talk about gender neutrality, gender tolerance, and gender norms and the potential unintended consequences of gender neutrality when we don’t also consider gender tolerance in terms of devaluing traits considered feminine.
Caroline Criado-Perez notes in her book Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men that much of our recorded human history is one giant data gap whereby the lives of men have been taken to represent the lives of humans overall. If gender neutrality represents the absence of gender, does that really mean it will represent men and the male experience (the male default)? If we emphasize gender neutrality instead of gender tolerance will femininity and all who express it lose? This is a timely conversation we need to be having to ensure that unintended male bias that attempts to pass itself off as gender neutral does not sneak into our efforts to create a more gender equitable world.
#genderequity #gendertolerance #genderneutrality #androcentrism #
Guest: Industrial Designer Erica Golub https://www.linkedin.com/in/erica-golub/
Criado-Perez, C. (2019). Invisible women: Data bias in a world designed for men. Chicago
New California law will force retailers to have ‘gender neutral’ toy sections

Monday Oct 18, 2021
Antifragility, Resilience, & Grit
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
In this episode I talk about Antifragility, a powerful concept introduced by Nassim, Nicholas Taleb in his bestselling book, Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder. Think the oppositive of fragile is resilient? Nope! Fragile is negative and resilient is neutral. The oppositive of a negative is a positive, so the opposite of fragile is antifragile. Antifragility is increasing in capability and thriving because of stressors, shock, and volatility. As Nietzsche (and Kanye) have said…that that don’t kill me…can only make me stronger…”
Antifragility is more than resiliency or robustness. The resilient maintains under stress or pressure…the antifragile gets better.
Antifragility, resilience, and grit are pragmatic as they relate to combating gender inequity so we can transcend and thrive. Despite the host of inequities, biases and barriers that create an unlevel playing field for talented, highly qualified women, it is possible that WE can have the last word in the end if we adopt an antifragility mindset. We can become stronger, better, more proficient, not despite, but because of these inequities. And that is a mindset shift that can serve us.
Do not miss this episode to hear more about how to harness your emotional intelligence superpowers from adaptability, to empathy, to excellent communication. We know that women must consistently be mindful of monitoring and adapting in response to biases. Although this is unfair and inequitable, there can be tremendous growth to our skillset if we have the right mindset.
As Taleb states “the wind extinguishes a candle and energizes fire.” This episode is about harnessing the wind and being the fire that is energized. #antifragility #grit #resilience #robus #transcend #thrive
The 4Ps Advancement Model™
Website: www.advancingwomenpodcast.com
Instagram @advancingwomenpodcast
email drdesimone@advancingwomenpodcast.com
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2014) Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder. Random House Publishing

Monday Oct 11, 2021
Transcending the “Invisible Rules” That Create Barriers for Women
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
This week I talk with Dr. Holly Catalfamo who shares her findings about her book The invisible rules: What's really holding women back in business and how to fix it (by Holly Catalfamo and Paul Harrietha).
We discuss why the advice so often given to women to get ahead doesn’t work. We expose the inequitable hidden rules and discuss how to transcend, and advance based on the authors research findings from intensive interviews with 50 executive women. We’ll share the best practice learning from women who have achieved professional success at the highest level.
“Like it or not. There are two sets of rules that govern corporate employment practices, one set for men, and one set for women. One set that continues to preserve a long-standing male power structure by assuring that a disproportionate number of men achieve senior leadership status and the big paychecks that go with those positions and a second set of powerful, deeply rooted, and largely imperceptible rules that make the pursuit of senior leadership far more demanding - and uncertain - for aspiring women”. (Invisible Rules, p. 3).
If you are truly committed to gender equity and if transcending barriers is a top priority, then awareness followed by bold action is the answer. Bold actions create momentum, and we need that momentum to fix this deeply broken leadership pipeline that relegates far too many talented, highly qualified women to the sidelines.
For more information on the book, or the CAPS Leadership Model:
You can reach out anytime with questions, comments, or suggestions by emailing drdesimone@advancingwomenpodcast.com or @advancingwomenpodcast on Instagram.
Form more resources go to https://advancingwomenpodcast.com/

Monday Oct 04, 2021
Managing Bad Behavior in the Workplace
Monday Oct 04, 2021
Monday Oct 04, 2021
I am extremely excited to have Lisa Gillette with us this week on the Advancing Women Podcast. Lisa is an equal pay activist, DEI advocate, keynote speaker, and certified executive coach (ICF PCC) focused on women’s leadership.
Lisa is intimately familiar with the special challenges all women face in the workplace, having spent 25 years climbing the corporate ladder, the last ten as an executive for FOX Sports television. Along with providing strategic and creative direction in the launch of over 300 sports networks in Asia, Latin America, and the US, Lisa was responsible for on air planning and operations for FOX Sports broadcast and the 22 regional sports networks. Lisa created and led the mentorship program “Women Working in Sports” focused on increasing diversity among senior leadership at FBC and the FOX Cable Network Group.
Lisa’s company, BIG SKY Coaching & Consulting is a natural extension of her desire to guide, support and encourage women to rise up the ranks of leadership all the way into the “C” suite.
In this episode she shares her tried and true strategies managing bad workforce behaviors like mansplaining, bropriating, the credit claimer, the interrupter, the volcano, and more. We have all experienced this, so what do we do when we're in it? Tune in to hear Lisa’s sage advice in this week’s episode.
For more information or to connect with Lisa check out her social media below. You can also reach out anytime with questions, comments, or suggestions by emailing drdesimone@advancingwomenpodcast.com or @advancingwomenpodcast on Instagram.
Website: https://bigsky.coach
Instagram: @bigskycoach_lisa_gillette
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-gillette/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BIGSKYCoach.lisagillette
YouTube: BIG SKY Coaching & Consulting SUCCESS

Monday Sep 27, 2021
Is the Term Mansplaining Sexist? No Actually, and Here’s Why…
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
This episode addresses what mansplaining IS and what it is NOT. If we see mansplaining as synonymous with being condescending, then of course – the immediate response will be “but what about womensplaining”? Women can be condescending too, of course, but retorting with “what about womensplaining” fails to consider historical context in terms of men speaking for women in politics, in the media, and still often, in the workplace.
There is NO HISTORY of women having voice when men did not, or of women creating laws and policies for men, or of women being in the position of power over men. This is an important part of the discussion. When we talk about gender differences, we must consider the wider context. The historical context, and the data.
In this episode we discuss hegemony; the political, economic, or military predominance of one group over another. We talk about who holds most of the wealth, most positions of power, pay, and prestige and most top leadership roles in industry and government (spoiler alert…it’s NOT WOMEN). We talk about Androcentric Bias - the assumption that the male view is the norm or default, and androcentrism - the propensity to center society around men and men’s needs, priorities, and values and to relegate women to the periphery. Context matters, and we discuss this in detail in this episode.
Mansplaining is a condescending explanation by members of a socially, culturally, or legally privileged groups in their interactions with those who don’t hold the same power and privilege.
Many male ally’s may be asking, but how do I recognize mansplaining so I can be an upstander? This episode addresses where mansplaining is most prevalent (which domains) and provides some new solutions to a tiresome old problem.
#mansplaining #genderequity #genderedcommunication #hegemony #power #privelege #voice
Website: www.advancingwomenpodcast.com Instagram @advancingwomenpodcast
Email: drdesimone@advancingwomenpodcast.com
Am I Mansplaining Chart? https://images.app.goo.gl/XxbgA6JBbBYjwosF6
Mansplaining Explained in One Chart: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20180727-mansplaining-explained-in-one-chart
Kaplan, S. (2019). Mansplaining: New solutions to a tiresome old problem. The Conversation Online: https://theconversation.com/mansplaining-new-solutions-to-a-tiresome-old-problem-120400
Bailey, A. H., LaFrance, M., & Dovidio, J. F. (2019). Is man the measure of all things? A social cognitive account of androcentrism. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 23(4), 307-331.

Monday Sep 20, 2021
Does Diversity Training Do What It Is Supposed To Do?
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Diversity training is aimed at interrupting problematic behaviors that can sometimes lead to a hostile workplace and inequitable opportunities, or lack of opportunity for certain groups. It’s meant to create a more culturally competent environment, to improve morale, help workers feel more committed to their jobs, help companies recruit and retain a diverse workforce and even increase productivity and creativity.
But does it do these things…and if not, why not? Also, is mandatory diversity, equity, and Inclusion training effective, and if not, how do we make the necessary changes to create solution that move the needle. Solutions that mitigate both the mindset and the behavior that is woven into the fabric of our organizational and institutional culture so we can create lasting, meaningful, measurable change.
Real change is not measured with words. It is not measured with input; it’s measured with outcomes. Changing culture must be a holistic process infused in every part of organizational structures - it is habits, habitual behaviors at the individual, team, and organizational level. We must identify the habits that are hindering equitable outcomes and create initiatives that create impact – measurable outcomes that prove what we are doing is moving the needle and creating real cultural change.
Visit www.advancingwomenpodcast.com Email me @ drdesimone@advancingwomenpodcast.com or find me @advancingwomenpodcast

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Gender Equity is Good for Everyone – Not Just Women!
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
We are still, too often, trying to “sell” people on gender equity.
First, we must prove that we don’t already have it. This idea that “things have gotten so much better” persists and with it, the idea that the work is done, when the data just don’t support that. The work is far from done!
Next, we must prove that gender equality is not about accommodating women, a narrative that is the opposite of equality. We don’t “accommodate” half the population. It’s about creating an environment conducive to the success of individuals in the 21st century
And finally, we must convince people that there is value to everyone, that gender equity is good for everyone. This episode focuses on the evidence-based, proven positive outcomes for everyone. The world, nations, businesses, women, children and YES…men too!
A more gender egalitarian future is one that will improve our lives. It’s a future with potential for more happiness, reduced stress, better health, better marriages, stronger families, more successful and profitable companies. It’s about more abundance. Win-win.
A rising tide lifts all boats. Less gender inequality = less gender discrimination for women and men. We will all thrive in a world where both genders are afforded their own "pursuit of happiness" unhindered by discriminatory policies and laws, prescriptive social constructs, and gender stereotypes and biases. Let’s talk about how we get there in this week’s episode of the Advancing Women Podcast. #genderequity #genderequality #hapiness #abundance #worklifebalance
Audette, A.P., Lam, S., O’Connor, H. et al. (E)Quality of Life: A Cross-National Analysis of the Effect of Gender Equality on Life Satisfaction. J Happiness Stud 20, 2173–2188 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-018-0042-8
Michael Kimmel: Why gender equality is good for everyone – men included TEDWomen https://www.ted.com/talks/michael_kimmel_why_gender_equality_is_good_for_everyone_men_included?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare
Caroline Strachan: Why gender equality is not just about women TEDxFolkestone https://youtu.be/a4WuurpnSbc