Monday Oct 10, 2022
Cultivating Creativity with Illustrator Heather Harris
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
It takes courage to express the things you are passionate about and to transcend the limits of your comfort zone. Connecting to your creativity is connecting to your courage.
Creativity, like courage, is energy with which you can connect. It is an essential part of who you are, AND it is a practice. Too often people think about creative people or the arts as being endowed from heaven, but as our guest today, illustrator and creator, Heather Harris says “That's not true. You were created, so you are creative!” Don’t miss this episode of the Advancing Women Podcast with artist and illustrator, Heather Harris here to help us cultivate creativity through developing a creative practice that fits into our busy lives.
Where there is creativity, there is courage, but perhaps more importantly, where there is creativity, there is joy. Hone your creative skills through a creative practice that will open you up to more joy and delight through creativity.
Heather’s Pinterest Boards https://www.pinterest.com/heather7667/
Heather’s picture books can be found on her website and are also available on Amazon!
For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast
Monday Sep 26, 2022
The 4 Ps Advancement Model™ for Women
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
The advancing women podcast is where empathy meets pragmatism and today's episode is heavy on pragmatism. As ambitious, warrior women, we spend a lot of time and effort working toward professional goals and advancement. Unfortunately, there are many inequitable, sometimes invisible barriers and bias patterns that create an unlevel playing field for women because the system was not designed by or for us. We can't keep playing the game and expecting the outcomes to change. We must change the game and find ways to interrupt the inequitable rules of the game in ways that help serve us.
Enter the 4 Ps Advancement Model™
Necessity is indeed the mother of invention and the best practice advice women have been given is flawed. Mainly because it focuses on fixing women, and we as women are neither broken, nor defective. We don’t need to be fixed. The system is broken and needs to be fixed, and we need to level the playing field. That is why I created this model which can be a highly effective tool for women in transcending and thriving despite inequity and bias.
The 4 Ps Advancement Model™ focuses on problems, patterns, processes, and proficiencies. Don’t miss this episode where I will apply the model to some of the most common biases and barriers women encounter based on evidence-based scientific research.
Despite the host of inequities, biases, and barriers that create an unlevel playing field for women it is possible that we can have the last word in the end if we adopt a mindset and behaviors that better serve us. This model is meant to give you the tools and process you need to define and overcome the real problems that keep far too many qualified, brilliant warrior women from advancing.
Antifragility, Resilience, & Grit: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/antifragility-resilience-grit/id1569849100?i=1000538998137
The 4 Ps Advancement Model™ https://advancingwomenpodcast.com/4ps-advancement-model-problem-patterns-process-proficiency/
What Works for Women at Work https://womensleadership.stanford.edu/whatworks
Williams, J.C. & Dempsey, R. (2014). What Works for Women at Work. Four Patterns Working Women Need to Know. NYU Press.
For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Compassionate Self-Improvement with Wellness Warrior Erica Golub
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
September is Self-Improvement Month, a time to reflect on all you've accomplished this year and to think about which goals you still want or need to work toward. Self-Improvement Month encourages us to make conscious and intentional efforts to improve ourselves.
In this episode of the Advancing Women Podcast, we approach self-improvement from a more compassionate and self-kind approach. Let’s think about the improvements we need to make, to be better to ourselves and at prioritizing OUR needs. Don’t miss this episode with esteemed guest; Wellness Warrior and certified yoga, mindfulness, and meditation practitioner Erica Golub as we talk about getting back to our center and realigning with our truest selves.
For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast
Previous Advancing Women Podcast Episodes Referenced in this Episode:
Warriors Need Love (and Self-Care) Too! https://open.spotify.com/episode/6uTy7qmvWJzWt6qpGdYk78?si=5510b577898a4909
Advancing Women Podcast: Warriors Need Love (and Self-Care) Too! on Apple Podcasts
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Toxic Positivity versus Mental Contrasting
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
In this episode of the Advancing Women Podcast, we explore toxic positivity; a phenomenon where positivity is used to minimize one’s experience, and how this has been painfully exacerbated because of social media which thrives on toxically optimistic outlooks.
Toxic positivity has perpetuated a brushing over of the real inequities and challenges many women face. With empowerment language forced upon us, there can be a false reality that leaves too many talented, empowered women, confused when our “positive vibes” aren’t enough to transcend very real gender bias and inequity in the workplace. Just as it is not healthy to think overly negative thoughts, exaggeratedly positive thoughts can be equally detrimental!
Enter Mental Contrasting…A far more efficacious approach. Mental contrasting is a technique that can help us achieve our goals by encouraging us to identify barriers and take the necessary steps to address obstacles rather than optimistically assuming that what we want and even deserve will materialize with positive thinking and hard work alone.
Learn more in this episode as we challenge meritocracy myths and topic positivity in favor of strategic approaches that serve women and allow us to transcend and thrive.
4Ps Advancement Model™ https://advancingwomenpodcast.com/4ps-advancement-model-problem-patterns-process-proficiency/
How Toxic Positivity Took Over the Internet https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/53737/1/how-toxic-positivity-took-over-the-internet
The Meritocracy Myth (iTunes) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-meritocracy-myth/id1569849100?i=1000542761335
The Meritocracy Myth (Spotify) https://open.spotify.com/episode/18xmxu9MsIFtoJbiwyJz9F?si=6e7e6e79c44543bd
Antifragility, Resilience, & Grit (iTunes) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/antifragility-resilience-grit/id1569849100?i=1000538998137
Antifragility, Resilience, & Grit (Spotify) https://open.spotify.com/episode/40YqOqMdFviN7C5l4Ab4y3?si=9e01f62401144ae9
For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Let’s Teach Girls Bravery AND Teach Boys Empathy!
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
In her popular TEDTalk titled Teach Girls Bravery Not Perfection, Reshma Saujani, the founder of Girls Who Code asserts that we are raising our girls to be perfect, and we're raising our boys to be brave. Saujani says “I worry about our bravery deficit. The bravery deficit is why women are underrepresented in STEM, C-suites, boardrooms, Congress, and pretty much everywhere you look.”
While I don't disagree that girls and women have been overly socialized to avoid risk, in this episode, I challenge assertions and oversimplifications that perpetuate a fix the women, fix the problem narrative.
Sure. Let's talk about teaching girls and women to be braver, but let's ALSO talk about teaching boys and men to be more empathetic. Where is the complimentary TEDTalk to teach girls bravery, not perfection titled teach boys empathy, not aggression?
This episode of the Advancing Women Podcast addresses the negative consequences of a workplace that disproportionately favors leadership traits like confidence and assertiveness when research shows traits like empathy and interpersonal sensitivity are as, if not more important.
In the face of epic leadership failures, tyrannical leadership, and ethical scandals that have destroyed companies and lives, it’s time to talk about how the workforce and what we value in leaders must change. Less fixing the women, more fixing the problem!
Previous Advancing Women Podcast Episodes Referenced in this Episode:
Fear of Failure: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fear-of-failure/id1569849100?i=1000527184290
Tightrope Bias & The Likeability Dilemma: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tightrope-bias-the-likeability-dilemma/id1569849100?i=1000570385546
For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Living Life to Our Fullest Potential With Margaret Weniger
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
In a world where high salaries and titles are often considered the pinnacle of success, we can sometimes overlook things like personal happiness, satisfaction, purpose, and reaching our full potential. Winning, collecting the most toys, making the most money, earning the big title, attaining and dominating...that tends to be the language of success. But what if we approach success more holistically? What if we had more conversations about the importance of living life to our fullest potential where we don't have to see success at odds with our happiness, purpose, and wellness? Living life to our fullest potential!
Don’t miss this episode of the advancing women podcast with coach, speaker, and host of Rising Tide Podcast Margaret Weniger. Margaret has interviewed more than 60 top female professionals on her podcast, and she has found that there are five themes that have emerged. Don’t miss this episode where Margaret will share the 5 things successful women are consistently doing that have enabled them to live as the fullest version of themselves.
Learn more about Margaret Weniger and the Rising Tide Podcast here:
TikTok: risingtidepodcast
Instagram: @risingtidepodcast
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/margaretweniger/
Rising Tide Website: https://www.thisisrisingtide.com/
Rising Tide Podcast: Available anywhere people listen to podcasts
Career Crew Blog Article: https://www.thisisrisingtide.com/blog/recipe-for-career-sucess
Learn more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast here:
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Tightrope Bias & The Likeability Dilemma
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Have you been called bossy or pushy at work when you were just doing your job? Have you been tough, when necessary, only to be deemed difficult to work for or with? The explanation for this is Tightrope Bias and the Likeability Dilemma.
Research shows that in many workplaces’ women wanting to advance often must take on more “masculine qualities” to get ahead, presenting as more ambitious, assertive, and competitive. Yet we are still expected to maintain our “feminine qualities” of being caring, modest, helpful, and nice. Research also confirms that women who violate stereotypically feminine social norms are often disliked and in turn penalized in their careers for violating gender norms. These inequitable stereotypes and biases result in negative expectations and evaluations of women's performance and potential. It leads women to constantly balance the “tightrope” between being liked and being seen as competent.
We must stop obscuring and downplaying the real penalties women pay for simply doing what they need to do and what men do without penalty to get to the top. The advancing women podcast is where empathy meets pragmatism. It's not our fault, but it is our problem. This episode goes beyond identifying the problem by providing best practice strategies to fix the problem. Don’t miss this episode to learn what we as women can do AND what organizations must do to overcome this workforce barrier.
AWP Episode #35 Sorry Not Sorry: Apologizing, Deflecting, and Undermining (Apple and Spotify Links)
AWP Episode #10 The Art & Agony of No (Apple and Spotify Links)
AWP Episode #48 The Joy of No (Apple and Spotify Links)
Robin Hauser: The Likability Dilemma for Women Leaders | TED https://youtu.be/T2I4tus05hI
Williams & Dempsey: What Works for Women at Work
Book: https://nyupress.org/9781479835454/what-works-for-women-at-work/
Video: https://youtu.be/iv8aNdzcvZ0
For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Tone Policing, Vocal Fry, & Upspeak
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Warrior women, this is an important and timely episode of the Advancing Women Podcast. Our speech, our “tone”, and even the octave of our voice is under attack!
Scrutiny of women’s speaking patterns is the latest frontier in an endless barrage of judgment and undermining women face. It is yet another way to blame women. An attempt to shift the emphasis to fixing women versus doing the hard work of fixing structural, and organizational inequities.
We must see tone policing and commentary about upspeak and vocal fry for what it is. It’s not a peeve that needs to be professionally developed away. It’s not really even about our tone of voice. It’s about power and status, and who is allowed to have it.
Research shows that it is FEMALE vocal fry or up speak that is noticed and criticized. It contributes to negative perceptions of women's BUT NOT MEN’S competence and confidence.
We don’t have to accept the nonsensical ideology that constantly expects women to change. As criticisms mount and gain momentum, we must acknowledge and call out how the workforce keeps adding ridiculous standards for women, finding new ways to suggest deficits and breathe new life into the fix-the-women narrative. We are neither broken nor defective. We don’t need to be fixed.
As always, it’s not your fault, but it is your problem, so don’t miss this episode to learn more about tone policing, upspeak, and vocal fry. As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said "Women belong in all places where decisions are being made”, and all the gendered, inequitable judgment of our character traits and even of our voices and tone won’t change that fact if WE continue to believe – to KNOW - that we belong!
For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast
Email: drdesimone@advancingwomenpodcast.com
Website: https://advancingwomenpodcast.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/advancingwomenpodcast/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/advancingwomenpodcast/
Business Inside Men Use Upspeak and Vocal Fry Too (businessinsider.com)
Harvard Annals of Surgery: Women as Deficit: Re-evaluating Interventions to Establish Gender Equity women-as-deficit-re-evaluating-interventions-to.pdf (massgeneral.org)
Mashable (Rachel Thompson) Stop telling women how they should talk | Mashable
NPR From Upspeak To Vocal Fry: Are We 'Policing' Young Women's Voices? : NPR
The Conversation https://theconversation.com/keep-an-eye-on-vocal-fry-its-all-about-power-status-and-gender-45883#:~:text=Vocal%20fry%20is%20a%20distinct,of%20belonging%20in%20that%20tribe
Time https://time.com/5006345/what-is-vocal-fry/
Upworthy https://www.upworthy.com/what-is-vocal-fry-and-why-doesnt-anyone-care-when-men-talk-like-that
Examples of male vocal fry
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Purpose, Embrace Your Calling with author Jessica Huie
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
If you ask people the purpose of life, a lot of people will say happiness, but I would argue the purpose of life is to find purpose IN life. As Ralph Waldo Emerson famously said “The purpose of life is not to be happy, it is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate. To have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
I am delighted to have author Jessica Huie on the Advancing Women Podcast. Jessica is an author, entrepreneur, and speaker who runs retreats to help people breathe life into their purpose-driven projects and share them with the world through transformational visibility.
Don’t miss this interview where Jessica shares her journey in finding purpose and discusses her book which has been featured on BBC News, CNN Forbes, and The Sunday Times. Jessica was honored with a member of the order of the British Empire for entrepreneurship and her contribution to diversity by Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace and has been called one of Britain’s most inspiring entrepreneurs and one of the UK’s most influential women. As Jessica says “An incredible congruency occurs when we go beyond the intellect and create from our soul. It is the alchemic combination of inspiration and strategy that creates momentum and magic.” Be inspired in this episode to create from your soul, and to find and embrace your purpose, so YOU too can create momentum and magic.
To learn more about Jessica Huie:
Book Link Purpose: Find Your Truth and Embrace Your Calling
The Purpose Retreat Jan 9-16th 2023
The Purpose Academy (Starts again in September 2022)
To learn more about Dr. Kimberly DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast:
Monday Jun 06, 2022
The Medical Gaslighting of Women: It’s NOT just in your head!
Monday Jun 06, 2022
Monday Jun 06, 2022
With guest Leah Noonan
Medical gaslighting is when a healthcare provider dismisses your complaints or concerns. They don't take you seriously or blame your symptoms on a vague cause (such as stress) and often send you home without a proper diagnosis or treatment plan. This is what happened to today’s guest for decades.
We live in a world where much of the data we have is based on the male experience. As Feminist author Simone de Beauvoir said, “Representation of the world, like the world itself, is the work of men; they describe it from their own point of view, which they confuse with absolute truth.” The data our society collects, and the perspectives prioritized typically favor men’s experience, not women’s. That data then gets used to allocate research funding and resources and to make decisions about healthcare and how things are designed – including medical standards of care and pain medication.
This episode is about how a world designed around male data can be life-threating.
Like having a heart attack go undiagnosed, because studies show women are 50 percent more likely to be misdiagnosed after a heart attack and more likely overall to have their symptoms dismissed by medical providers. How research shows that compared with men, women face longer waits to be diagnosed with cancer and heart disease, are treated less aggressively for traumatic brain injury, and are less likely to be offered pain medications.
While this continues, women will unnecessarily suffer!
Don’t miss this episode where guest Leah Noonan bravely and candidly shares her gut-wrenching story of decades of medical gaslighting and how she took her health into her own hands and finally got the medical treatment she needed.
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for men by Caroline Criado Perez (book)
For more about Dr. DeSimone and the Advancing Women Podcast